60min We head to the Garden State for this installment of the “Housewives” franchise, focusing on affluent Jersey girls who are more than just friends. The cast has changed through the seasons but the featured housewives through the years have included Caroline Manzo, a devoted wife and mother of three adult children; former Las Vegas cosmetologist Jacqueline Laurita, who is now a full-time housewife; and Teresa Giudice, a mother of four who runs her household without help from a nanny or personal assistant.
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100min 7 girls and 1 fab gay guy plan a getaway to a remote ranch for a week of gossip and grub. They start off where they always do, old rivalries in place, extreme vanity covering great insecurities, but with a true love for each other underneath the bickering, sniping and sassing. A number of drinks into night one and a dark secret is revealed. The house they rented is the site of a mass murder of teenage girls 15 years earlier.
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Blood still stains the floors under replacement carpets. The killer still runs free. The girls take it for what it seems – a fun story for a rainy night by a roaring fire. But after one of them disappears and is discovered dead, the story doesn’t seem so fun anymore.