Turnitin The University subscribes to Turnitin, an online service which enables the text-matching of submitted texts against an extensive library of internet pages, journals, periodicals and student essays previously submitted. It is a tool used in preventing plagiarism and improving writing. Turnitin produces an originality report which indicates the percentage of text matched, i.e. The percentage that is thought to have been copied as well as the suspected sources. Turnitin is integrated into Moodle: Turnitin assignments can be set up in any module and can also be used through the Moodle assignment tool. Staff can require that coursework be submitted via Turnitin, or can upload students' work for checking on an ad hoc basis.

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Students can use Turnitin at any time to check their own work via the Test Your Text Moodle page. Ringtones used in movies. Originality reports Originality reports are not an absolute indication of plagiarism as they must be interpreted in context. Turnitin can help academics identify plagiarism in students’ assignments and locate the sources of the plagiarised material.