Hi All, I wan't to compare two SQL Server databases. I.e., I wan't to check both databases structure and add if necessary. In my project I am using SQL Express database and now we update some fields in the database. So, if we wan't to update the new versions for those customers who are using old database we need to update the database also.

A SQL Server database backup and restore is a means of safeguarding and protecting data in your SQL Server databases A database snapshot is a read-only, static, transitionally consistent view of the source database. I need to compare two databases (e.g. Development DB and Test DB) to make sure they are 100% identical. Is there a way to create a SQL view, which can do this job for me? I want to compare.

Database comparison tool

Database Comparison Tool

It is not recommanded that to manually add the fields in the database and is time taking too. So, I wan't to compare two databases(old and new) and update the fields in the old database.

Redgate Sql Compare

Any confusion in my question plz let me know so that I can be more clear. Thanks for any reply, Narayana Ayyagari. Hi, thanks for u r reply.